Atwood Post Office
(November 22, 1924- )
The community was formerly known as Richfield, but never had a post office under that name.
John S. Zuckerman, 1924-1929
“Sam” Zuckerman came to Atwood in 1922 where he ran a general store, a gas station, and the post office. He also owned a small apartment building, which burned in 1929. Zuckerman left town not long after.
Joseph D. Duer, 1929-1937
Joseph Duer, a former South Dakota homesteader, took over the grocery store at Atwood after John Zuckerman and ran it for several years.
Arthur J. Meyer 1937-1956
Arthur Meyer was the next owner of the Atwood store, known as Meyer’s Market during his tenure.
Georgia M. Wilson, 1956-1957 (Acting Postmaster)
Loretta M. Lytle, 1957-1960
Ava [Alva?] V. Page, 1960-1981
(You can find more about Orange County’s post offices and postmasters here)